Thursday, December 21, 2006

Come on, Christmas Spam

Cum on feel the noize ... or rather, Come on, christmas spam.
( Slade of course, try here ...

Spa-am, spa-am, spa-am

There's Bogus emails jamming up the line
and its all so sleazy
and I dont know why
it just makes me cry

Maybe you think that advertisings fine
the content makes you queasy
and I dont know why
its from nine to five

(chorus a)

Come on, Share the sp-am,
Xmas is a just a sc-am
getting wild wild wild
odd ema-ils ( oh no-o )

(chorus b)

fil-ter out the no-ise
junk mail fills the vo-id
they send mass - ive amounts
to ev'ry mail account ( such a j-oy)

they seem to turn up all of the time
and they are never endin'
they made it a crime
but only one guy got a fine

zombie p.c.'s chucking out the slime
well just who would send 'em
and I dont know why
its simply all the time

chorus a
chorus b

So you think they are a waste of time
like a bad chain letter
and I dont know why
its from nine to five

the contents boring a repetitive crime
I'm so sad to tell yer
and I dont know why
there must be a better waste of time

chorus a
chorus b

repeat 3 times ...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Smokin (the big show tune)

( That great show tune type of thing ... )
( Chorus call response bracketed on this one )

I gibbon up breathing
(all that smoke)
I gibbon up dreaming
(that last toke)

oh-ho what the heck
(just a nervous type wreck)
some smokes I must get

I tried therapy
and the weirdest tea
but all I ever get ...
is a pain in my neck

I gibbon up patching
tried weaving and thatching
but it doesnt detract
one tiddly fact
from my tragic addiction

You hear rasping in the day
coughing in dismay
but oh what a hit that I get
when the smoke hits my chest

shadows in my chest
blood thins out I guess
soon I will be leaving...

This planet behind
going out of my mind
that tobacco is teasing

blowing your lungs away
what else can we say
a tarry gunge is building up so they say
perhaps I will quit another day

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Rachel's Wisdom Bobbing Blues.

Rachel's Wisdom Bobbing Blues.
(optional words bracketed, possible rest < > spaced.)

I will always have Bob, now (that) I've tried it once
the extentions are gone, got rid of that flounce
it lays on the floor at a thousand an ounce

still I will always have Bob
Yeah,< > will always have Bob

(I'm) in pain once again missing Ronnie's (party) do
Rolling Stones (are) at Twickers, don't have tickets for two

if its not canines < > its molars n' pesky wisdom teeth too
(tell me) off to the dentist he's (got) a root job for you
You have some nerve he turned 'round and said
just hope (it) don't feel numb (on the) inside of your head

still I will always have Bob
Yeah, < > will always have Bob

Its long down the sides from the top of my head
so what if I have to wear a bag when I get into bed

it swishes back n' forward and caresses my cheek
I reckon (that) Bob is (really) kinda chic

I'll always have Bob.
still I will always have Bob
Yeah, will always have Bob

Gonna take my Bob to HOB an' Groooove.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Alien Emoticons.

Emoticons, all ok in fixed width font,
but proportional spacing & space compression a nightmare.

Alien. (B){|}=8

Younger. (8){}=B

Alien, with a blaster in right hand, "we come in p.c's"
but if leading spaces removed, sitting or skiing.

. .||.

Iron Giant. tried various ways of combatting leading spaces prob, not so hot.

~ ' '()=+=+
. . . ()=+=+

Elvis, singing from the side of his mouth, or whistler.

Liars in three modes.

Liars in three modes.

1. Liars: A poem answering the question
"why do we vote for liars ?"
posed by Ginab and Nabonidus.

2. Big Bossy: A lyric written in the key of Liars.

3. Only Lies: lyric for a liar, retort and backing singers.

1: In the Key of Me 1st :

From Spin to Charm
its a political farm
you like what I say
because I shaped it that way
Deception's a key
attribute for me,
it lets me in (the) office every day.
The people, so I state,
have all the say,
But I'm on the platform first,
so its my sway or the highway.

2: Big Bossy

I'm a big bossy boots
Strut around in my suits
twist hearts and knaves
while holding the spades.

I deal in some deaths
it's mixed with the rest
of political choice
reflect peoples voice

Let's jump in and fix
with badly judged quips
some other nation
and their sticky situation

They're not on our shores
what's mined is not yours
could call it exclusion
international collusion

Take a stand on that veto
torpedo the issue
setup an embargo
take away the largesse-o

So what, I'm controlling,
while boats are patrolling
their out on a mission
conceal my ambition

Just sitting in power
fly the flag higher and higher
blame all those others
let the world suffer.

Is that why I came here ?
I'm not so sure dear
I lost all my passion
during the last invasion

I'm just doing the best
for my con-stitch-uency
what should I do next
another 12 course meal suits me.

No, no, not paranoid
they're just out to get me
I believe 24 is real not a movie.

3: Lies.

I'm born a Liar
from inner desire
We all want to get on
those that we tread on
in-ad-vert-antly hurting
or is it just wanton
going too far
cruel deception
you hope its exception
but isn't it catching
upset all around you
spreading the tension
(echo: intention intention).

Who are you kidding
you speak like a gremlin
causing disruption
we're crying, can't you see
we don't want excuses
like you didn't mean it
getting off easy
while we take the bruising
emotional ruin
(echo: rueing, rueing).

I'm dishing out the lies
excuses and alibis
layers of Baloney hide
real beefs off to the side
just stories to mollify

get my way
misguiding beguiling
have my say
railroading denying

If they find out
I'll just simply slowly quietly
dip my hat
pull my collar up
and shuffle out the back.

down right busted
and a stirrer besides
selfish guitar we
would play

It's only Pretend,
don't care how you feel
I'm only lies
(echo: in truth, in truth).

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Please Leaf a comment.

Please leave a comment
if you've dropped by
you need a blog account
but it's free to try.

There are strange poems
hidden in deep monthly archives
or the odd lyric piece
with eerie compromise
but the drapes only go back
if you click the bar on the side.

Many a verse
forms a transverse synopsis
but don't worry
not much is in English.

If you wander these halls
and words flicker or echo
whats that on your shoulder
a very large Gecko.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Such a Long Note.

Such a long note
( for the end of The Boy Who Heard Music )

cold turkey comments
"the blog is dead
long live the blog"
the novella ends
it feels like a loss

Dear old mothers
bless them all
ouch - seems like a nasty fall

I think I have
my Method tune
it's crafted from
the Substitute - soon
perhaps the official tones
will pop out of the grid e-zones.

At school I took the clarinet
its in b flat as you might guess
the perfect sinewave it emits
but its fairly flat in its int'restingness

So should I stick with my natural voice
high bass low tenor but stretched somewhat
or pluck that old Antoria acoustic choice
it's a better pick than crashing out the watts
from my Highwatt slave and a Fender Strat.

The universal note I'd expect
is the 50 hertz hum of 100 watts
Peek in the valve head watch that blue E.L.34 plasma
mix with orange from the coil of its heater

Now just wait to download the elements
(the ones which P.T. says 'will send')
and attend the concert for the Method event.

Its such a long note for the Lifehouse in tunes
The 35 year wait could end any day soon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Chapter 22 Reading.

Reeling chapter 22,
has left me feeling smug.
Back at 21,
I felt PT pulled the rug,
but now I am redeemed,
a little madness flipping out,
Then at the last installment
will it all reverse somehow ?

In two minds
of collective unconcious
(Jung) young stepped from the mirror
and shot out the lights as
satan applied outer coatings of darkness
(not sure why Elvis appears darkly painted)
Leila mentioned but cartoons not likewise.

Just as we watch
uncensored steps forward
polical correctness
sets up a new bridgehead

look deep in the mirror
what appears on our forehead
the audience typing war and peace
on the head of a pin,
teenage wasteland versus carnage
old paragraph,

Nabonidus said...
<<< Except for maybe Hitler. lol. JK. >>>

The sigh(ci)ting of Hitler
as an evil non-victor
might miss out the service
the evils provide us
We dont need to venture
the trials of the temptor
we have seen it before
and caveat emptor

The evils have trod out
such similar bad deeds
a sign post declares
the right and the wrong way
so choice might be easier
when taking direction.
They have done it so we don't.
Need further transgressions ?

Chapter 22. Never a dual moment.

Chapter 22. Never a dual moment.

In all the excitement
of Valentine's day,
it is somewhat expected
to get carried away
from the topic in hand
(ooh, should it be said)
no discussion of chapter
supposedly read.

to keep in the context
must keep off the grasp,
so one little question,
if it could be asked
for John Sullivan's Mum
"oh, please don't charge
for blogging for blogs sake
is our little task".

With twenty three sections
that is madness unbound
there's hundreds of comments
and some of it sound
which leaves me hanging
a little precipitously
about to be back
in the context "melly"

Surely if we all
just started to hum
in a cachophonous rustle
combining as one

the resulting
social implosion occurs
we cease to exist
exit stage left universe.

It could be a rough landing,
disharmonius contusions
from sonic collusions.

We're no longer there
in a structural way
like some sort of hollow
uni-dimensional holiday.

The Evolutionary Procession
has passed
its gone in the future
blinked out from the vast.

All the lights have gone out
and we are the dark.
<-- silence -->
has it now all gone silent ?
energy cannot be lost
a cultural phenomenon
compressed into a single spark

As the curtains fold in
on our adventurous day
who stands forth for a bow ?

dropped from a door (slightly, ajar )
in the mirror (albeit in some disarray)
is it the character, author or audience of the play ?

PT jumps in a limo
which swishes away
off to do gigs.
Overseas and away.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

TBWHM Chapter 21

TBWHM Chapter 21

"I listened and I heard" but did I understand a word?

A spiritual dimension
with epic intention,
a dream-scape theatre of golden,
(picture) lavish, fifties odeon

an embellished jacobs ladder
rising to heaven
with rushing up
and diving off
in every direction

[ Ray, previous scene change - 79 ]

never scene a stage
with lighting rigged into the stars
as I hide from myself
in the booze from the bars

before I go on
its a solo attempt
a rainbow re-opened
an umbrella event.

There's Ruts on the stage
and rucks in the crowd
the music is muted
pogo dancing is loud

they bounce off each other
climb onto their backs
leather jacket train ticket
is this the right place ?

The sky seems to open
there's a flash back and forth
the fuses burn out
am I brought back to earth ?

[ Ray, previous scene change - 71 ]

I rush for the window,
the others drag me back
the 49th floors
no place to wig out

Guess some of them love me
as they didn't let go
do I stutter in silence
or go on with the show ?

I'm pushing the Lifeboat
right out of the house
they don't understand me
and think I am daft

How can I explain
reciprocal notes
represent rebirth
for ethereal souls

evolutionary rock
becomes the man,
one step at a time.
I think I skipped rehab
got to go back
one more time.

Anticipating the 23rd Psalm,

( "the one with all the explanations"
for those of us struggling, with Pete's quotations.
Expect its really 24, I'm sure you'll get the blog.
Being an inappropriate re-wording from the lines of Quad)

"vox box,
white jacket
with arm straps
five inches long.
I'm back in the padded room
'coz I've been leaping along

Trussed up,
for a whole night,
won't you please just explain,
this whole book and its chapters
in a summarized way.

There's angels and mermaids
a big family cast
as I Loop 'round the present
past the future and dance
ether way, I feel
that I can't win.

I'm coming down,
the Method's causing me to frown"

[over the descending solo outro]

some weeks later, I'm sure I'll fall in.

[ straight into "5:15", where the lyrics fit perfect! ]

Friday, February 03, 2006

Donnie Darko Bobby Shafto Spoiler

Donnie Darko, to the tune of Bobby Shafto,
SPOILER - Don't read it if you have not seen it !!

Donnie Darko's all at sea
hallucinations he can see
schiz-o-phren-ic as a boy can be
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

On the fridge doom is foretold
no magnets to paper hold
but its stuck there, we are shown
Where is Donnie Darko.

In the bathroom drop some pills
visitor in mirror thrills
but who can the evil kill ?
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Mum confronts him in his bed
you stop me reading he just sez
But calls out "bitch" when she has left
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Six foot bunny has a name
great big mask to hide his shame
Frank with Stein has beer to claim
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Airplane engine from on high
crush Donnie's bedroom to a pile
matchwood mid-america style
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Get a crane and F.B.I.
police officer stops passers by.
Wander back from golf course hi-gh
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

At the shrink he gets prescriptions
lays on couch hypnotic unzipping
Supposed to help but his brain is tripping
Spaced out Donnie Darko.

At the school the girls all dance
Patrick Swayze, TV trance
"you fear too much,instead of Love"
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

With magic eyes I see right through you
anti-christ right in our school halls
They march him out with lots of catcalls
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

When I stare into the future
past my eyes I see a bonfire
in your house abuse we show up
Cunningham arrest now.

Darko with air rifle, he aims
analyse Smurf's claim to f-ame
Denies Smurfette is on the g-ame
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Donnie's rifle breaks the bottle
other lads just want to squabble
you spoilt our game too many brain cells
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

The scene in school is mid-hurst high
gymnastics teacher right wing spy ?
she teaches kids Jim Cunningham's lies
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Mark the line of love and fear
or all your credit disappears
the principal is no help here
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

first an escapade with water
break the main with axe and scarper
soak the halls with hose its jolly
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Bumps into the girl he loves
saves her from the sado thug
smiles exchanged but there's no hugs
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Later on walks in the wo-od
Tries to kiss but its no go-od
must be a very special mood
Poor old Donnie Darko.

Presenting "I.M.G." to school
pictures to enhance the mood
Hawaian sunset glasses, cool
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Drive along with dad in car
brake ! old lady's gone too far
what's Sparrow searching mailbox for ?
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

study Phil-o-so-phy of time
wit-ness the worm gel flying by
is that a gun that you have found
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

projecting from the front of chest
points the path to follow next
is this the choice that is the best
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

The old ex-nun has writ a book
leather bound and ancient look
Living Retriever on the hook
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Roberta Sparrow Nun of old
wrote weird book only one sold
time secrets are within it told
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Roberta Sparrow on her knees
watches as burg-u-lars flee
Bunny catches up with me
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Invention though that might have been
it describes a fitting scene
before the run down of the Queen
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Mrs Darko's gone to see
big award show on t.v.
Sparkle Motion wins you see
Dooming Donnie Darko.

With a magnum in his head
Frank Man-ipu-la-tive Dead
I've been watching you he said
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

To prevent a blackhole forming
the prev-ious wormhole is a-calling
must get back to Airplane falling
Donnie, Donnie Darko.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Post 746, February the First, 2006.

There seems to be a pause
now Pete's sent some words.
The blogs got a tad stuck, caught, hitched,
around post 746,
Perhaps now is the time to chuck out some lines
that don?t include hoarse prose, tutors or whines.

Assured of a tour, (tar !)
(was that post 741 ?)
there will be a quick flood
from Who fans in droves
that blog on the run.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tea for Ten, Management Zen

( an observation relevent to the 9-managers-and-one-worker scenario )

I gotta dig in,
far into the earth.
The managers stand around
and discuss what I'm worth.
Considering what
they add to the plot
the story is pretty shortlived
you'd have thought.
They don't have a pick
a shovel or spade
but axes to grind
that precess for an age
And when they suggest
it is time for a tea,
how come the guy
who's to boil it
is ME ?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ban Poems !!

I have a strict rule
to only do songs
(cos the lyrical form
is more tight and strong)

But note,
that note-less again today
its gone awry, to my dismay.

Its not helped at all,
by blogspots strange quirks
that removes single quotes
instead question marks lurk.

Eat shoot and leaf ?
it is a matter of surrender
and makes One wish
to go out on a bender.

Weld Domination (for The Boy Who Heard Music)

For weld domination,
the dog pack's obeying.
Rather whines, sniffs and wimpers
and wearing christmas jumpers,
than competitive issues
and drunken Miss Construes.

There must be a squeaky wheel
demanding and fighting
They rush to the front
don't care who they're bargin'.

But mostly they're thinkers
and world bleary writers
an interesting mixture
of intrigue and blighters.

I've hidden this here
so it won't be read
At least not until
I've disappeared off to bed.

And the Last Clunky bit
I haven't time to fix :

Oh look
how big
the commenters count is,
from a hundred to thousands
per chapter
like swarms where bees drip off.

Hope they haven't clicked yet
(that) Life House musical themes
and maybe even Grid dreams
could be retrieved,
nay be rewired, solely from this.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Your Favourite Rock Quote

Your Favourite Rock Quote.

As a matter of course
rocks don't speak
but if they could
it would take a week
though sound travels fast
through rock,
in roll it's muffled like a sock.

If rok birds could speak
they would be awk awk awkward
stutter and squeak
with little thought about it.
but the Stones
are well known
for pebbles of wisdom
I suppose it depends
on which beach you are living

Status Quo,
ever the same,
are quite quotable in
the rock n roll game.
Those same twelve bars
"rockin' all over the world"
while Rick Parfitt rythmns
Telecaster blue licks
beneath blonde curls

John Peel, bless his socks
had a favorite quote thus
"I was born with a plastic
spoon in my mouth".
Who would substitute any other song.
"I can't explain, but,"
he was never wrong.

Spike Milligan, alas passed,
had furore for planning permission
his tombstone in gaelic had to be written
(a two year wait before the diocese gave in)
"I told you I was ill" he wanted his epitaph to say
they still hide his comedic expression today.
Strange decision,
considering his iconoclastic precision.