Monday, March 13, 2006

Alien Emoticons.

Emoticons, all ok in fixed width font,
but proportional spacing & space compression a nightmare.

Alien. (B){|}=8

Younger. (8){}=B

Alien, with a blaster in right hand, "we come in p.c's"
but if leading spaces removed, sitting or skiing.

. .||.

Iron Giant. tried various ways of combatting leading spaces prob, not so hot.

~ ' '()=+=+
. . . ()=+=+

Elvis, singing from the side of his mouth, or whistler.

Liars in three modes.

Liars in three modes.

1. Liars: A poem answering the question
"why do we vote for liars ?"
posed by Ginab and Nabonidus.

2. Big Bossy: A lyric written in the key of Liars.

3. Only Lies: lyric for a liar, retort and backing singers.

1: In the Key of Me 1st :

From Spin to Charm
its a political farm
you like what I say
because I shaped it that way
Deception's a key
attribute for me,
it lets me in (the) office every day.
The people, so I state,
have all the say,
But I'm on the platform first,
so its my sway or the highway.

2: Big Bossy

I'm a big bossy boots
Strut around in my suits
twist hearts and knaves
while holding the spades.

I deal in some deaths
it's mixed with the rest
of political choice
reflect peoples voice

Let's jump in and fix
with badly judged quips
some other nation
and their sticky situation

They're not on our shores
what's mined is not yours
could call it exclusion
international collusion

Take a stand on that veto
torpedo the issue
setup an embargo
take away the largesse-o

So what, I'm controlling,
while boats are patrolling
their out on a mission
conceal my ambition

Just sitting in power
fly the flag higher and higher
blame all those others
let the world suffer.

Is that why I came here ?
I'm not so sure dear
I lost all my passion
during the last invasion

I'm just doing the best
for my con-stitch-uency
what should I do next
another 12 course meal suits me.

No, no, not paranoid
they're just out to get me
I believe 24 is real not a movie.

3: Lies.

I'm born a Liar
from inner desire
We all want to get on
those that we tread on
in-ad-vert-antly hurting
or is it just wanton
going too far
cruel deception
you hope its exception
but isn't it catching
upset all around you
spreading the tension
(echo: intention intention).

Who are you kidding
you speak like a gremlin
causing disruption
we're crying, can't you see
we don't want excuses
like you didn't mean it
getting off easy
while we take the bruising
emotional ruin
(echo: rueing, rueing).

I'm dishing out the lies
excuses and alibis
layers of Baloney hide
real beefs off to the side
just stories to mollify

get my way
misguiding beguiling
have my say
railroading denying

If they find out
I'll just simply slowly quietly
dip my hat
pull my collar up
and shuffle out the back.

down right busted
and a stirrer besides
selfish guitar we
would play

It's only Pretend,
don't care how you feel
I'm only lies
(echo: in truth, in truth).

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Please Leaf a comment.

Please leave a comment
if you've dropped by
you need a blog account
but it's free to try.

There are strange poems
hidden in deep monthly archives
or the odd lyric piece
with eerie compromise
but the drapes only go back
if you click the bar on the side.

Many a verse
forms a transverse synopsis
but don't worry
not much is in English.

If you wander these halls
and words flicker or echo
whats that on your shoulder
a very large Gecko.