Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunshine Breaks Free ( Hornets for Tea )

The Sunshine Breaks free
and it's just you and me
off into the blue
for a wild think or two.

It was raining just previous
now who would believe us
a rapid drying wind
wraps around
the raindrops evaporate
without a sound

But what of the content
I'll see to that in a moment
the clouds breaking apart
page 64 of I Ching
could be a start

Where would we Bee
without a hive
a honeycomb
balanced ridiculously on a wall
sticking out
into the drive
bleached whiter than white
often seen in Rome.

Those jolly threatening hornets
chase you down the street
with your cornets

"Gelato" they cry
well any scream will do
if you get stung
I doubt if they care
which lingo is sprung

Mediteranean insects
bigger in most respects
than my local ants
so sit on them shorter
if sit at all
they make ferocious
scratches in pants

Copyright © 2005/2006 Stef.s. (:-)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

One in The Lost Room

( "The Lost Room" is a very fine sci-fi mini series of 3 episodes, 2006 )

I let myself in
to the lost room
the sunshine motel
with the missing wing

The place was deserted
like that diner
creepy on a back road
late at night in Nevada

But this is daylight
broad and brash
the sun beats down
and heats your back

The bus stop says
New Mexico
and mentions 'its not Hell'
but you would never know

Perhaps you best find
that bus stop out of here
before you become trapped
in the web of objective fear

The sand on the wind
saws and erodes
but the monument still stands
the empty motel
without even a crossroads.

The yellow light inside
was eerily intense
the neatly folded sheets
hugged the mattress
with passive ma lev olence

On the carpet glinting gold
a key to a door
where dimensions fold

The tv was bolted to the wall
there was no remote
control was a manipulated fool
it was hot outside
but in here it seemed cool

The polaroids fell scattered
silently to the floor
a trail of obscured physics
leading out of this world

All the objects sense each other
like magnets push or pull
when nearer or farther

Odder still in combination
a pair might ruin your vacation
the whole room with all its content
could rip the earth from its foundation

cease to exist
in this world and the next
and smokily convert
energy from substance

The ripples in hidden dimensions
tear at souls that come between them
when the energy settles out
time displaced and spaces without

the landscape has changed
now you don't exist
its a time tornado
with a lethal kick.

a small portal casting visions
of the moment
when reality ceased
and magic was released

the occupant stared out
through the blind
the slats showered light
across the depth of time

You're on your own now
on this little trip
you're reading a page
but this person has flipped

I'm no longer here
to help you back through
I was lost with the others
when the door latch clicked to.

Copyright © 2007 Stef.s. (:-)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Submarine in blue

I'm putting new windows
in my old submarine.
Its a sort of dark blue.
If they put the lights out
I can just about see through

The sea's cloudy today
weir regularly told
we're all gonna dye
when our t-shirts are old

I'm putting new windows
on my old submarine
the barnacles can live
on the struts in between.

Mussels can flex
as much as they like
air bubbles still,
float to the surface
even, at night.

Giant squids are like turkeys
easy to shoot
need a camera in hand
and lead in yer boots.

I'm putting new windows
on my old submarine
it tips a bit downwards
they're weighty it seems

I'd like to go fishing
to see what's to catch
twenty two nets
a trawler
and some unfortunate ketch

I've got some new windows
in my old submarine
it'll see me right through
my current regime.

I'm sailing through Planck ton
Max weighing on my mind
to(o) light a subject
for the heavy waters of mankind

I've got some new windows
in my old submarine
Its a sort of dark blue
if the lights are on
sharks heave creepily to.

By the way. Duel bark. Its a sort of dark blue.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Life Equals Death

Life equals death
it comes as a package
You're not here forever
you can tell from the bad days

Life equals death
am I gonna die soon
will I live forever
rebuilt like Dr Doom

Life equals death
its an opportunity
here together
by a split infinitive

Life equals death
take your chances
drop the ciggies
you know the smoke
is deadly.
like heart attacks
in cities.

Life equals death
half way
or near the end
reduce the stress
as you take the bends

Life equals death
go for it avidly
you don't wanna be bored
before your breath's
gone away.

Copyright © 2005/2006 Stef.s. (:-)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The reverse of backwards is forwards

Over on yon youTube, and from
is "smells like teen spirit" backwards. So this is a little response for today, in a small snow flurry this morning.

Just how frightening,
Does Kurt need to be,
Shaking nonsense
heads aching,
I'm listening to shine backwards
sdrawkcab ehins ot gninetsil mi
I'm listening to shine backwards
sdrawkcab ehins ot gninetsil mi
from now on.
Might call me a seeker
but things can't get bleaker
its all backwards and track words
trackwards trackwards.
Snow this morning
its looking brighter
melting snowmen
turn and run

Copyright © 2005/2006 Stef.s. (:-)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year (2007)

My new years resolution
is all neglect and fear
can a person be so worried
when nothing will appear
to rock the weak foundation
propping up this pier
scanning the horizon
mad ducks will soon be here.

The fishermen that line the rails
cast off with random floats
they catapault dead cat fish
and drown a ton of worms
but rarely are the streaming lines
stretched out by any catch
except when dragging forth
that old discarded vest.

My new years revolution
remains in re-verse gear
its never yet gone forward
the way is never clear.
Striving for the title
of vascillating peer
beating all you others
ye-ar after year.

My new years elocution
not well pronounced I fear
Its not a new solution
just more precise and clear
Each and every vowel
submitted with such cheer
to make all and everybody
sickened when they hear.